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Class 1

  • Project overview

  • Screen example(s) of short films that demonstrate subject matter

    • LA and/or teacher can choose from selection of films on Materials page, or choose their own​

  • Teacher gives writing prompt and describes writing portion of assignment

    • Choice between five sentence paragraph (prose) ​or a five line poem

  • LA gives presentation on types of shots and camera movements 

    • Presentation on Materials page​

Class 2

  • Students spend class period writing, utilizing presence of LA for help.

  • Students may begin strategizing how they will shoot their videos, developing initial ideas for shots.

  • Students may also use this time to address any technical questions or concerns they have with the LA or teacher, or discussing/brainstorming with either about their video ideas.

*Between Class 2 and 3, students are responsible for filming their 5 shots*

Class 3

  • LA gives a brief tutorial on how to use free video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Rush or DaVinci Resolve

    • Links to tutorials on Materials page​

  • Students spend class making a simple edit of their 5 shots

*Before the final session, students are responsible for uploading their videos to Microsoft Teams or similar platform, or a class YouTube or Vimeo channel.*

Class 4

  • Students read aloud their texts and present their corresponding videos, and engage in a brief session feedback and discussion after

  • Class time and size should be taken into account to ensure each student has an equal amount of time to present and discuss.

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